© 2018-2025 - Macy’s Garage, Ltd.
Triumphs For Sale - Drivers/Projects
America’s BEST Triumph Shop
Restoration Project Cars
So, you’d love to have a beautifully restored Triumph TR, but you’re finding out that the best cars are never offered for sale. It’s looking like your only
chance to realize your dream is to have a TR restored for you, but you don’t have a car to begin the process. You might also be afraid of buying a
project on your own (as you should be) because you may purchase a car that is too far gone to save. Enter Macy’s Garage, and our project car
offerings shown below. All of these restoration candidates have been examined by the TR wizards here at Macy’s Garage, and all have been
determined to be excellent restoration candidates. There are no “lost causes” or cars requiring a heroic effort to restore being offered here! We’ve
jumped through all the hoops needed to straighten out ancient paperwork, and all the cars offered here have valid ownership titles. These cars are
already here, so you also won’t have to chase all over the country to find a project car, and then have it shipped here to be restored. And to put your
mind at ease, know now that any missing bits which are not typically replaced with new parts during a restoration, will be provided from our own used
parts inventory at no additional charge.
If you are looking for a car to restore at home yourself, or to be restored by the local ‘restoration guy’ in your home town, then we ask that you please
continue to search for your own project. All cars shown here are offered ONLY as restoration projects to be completed here at Macy’s Garage. We
have gone to great lengths to acquire and store these worthy projects for appreciative future owners, and we have a vested interest in seeing that
they are restored correctly. We don’t want to see them taken home and allowed to languish when the new owner runs out of enthusiasm, or dropped
off at a lower tier “restorer” who will not complete them to the level possible here by our “Triumph Exclusive” team.
We recommend that you read and then re-read the “Restoration Costs” page on our website, to understand why estimates which even resemble
reality are impossible. We can however tell you that just to start any high quality restoration by a professional shop, be it a Mustang or a Model A, or
even a Triumph TR, a low six-figure budget will be necessary. If you go crazy with options like chrome wire wheels, hardtops, overdrives, air
conditioning (TR250 & TR6), race motors, bluetooth radios, etc., etc, you can easily ratchet the cost up from there. Funding for a project like this will
be spread out over a period of approximately 2.5 to 3 years, as we always have a waiting list of at least 12 months before we could begin any of these
restorations. If necessary, you could use this delay to start building your war chest! Then, after we begin, you’ll have another 16-20 months to fund
the project until the car is completed. If the cost of a full TR restoration is going to be outside of your financial capability, there unfortunately isn’t
much wiggle room regarding the total for these cars, because all of the cars shown here will certainly need everything.
If you have any interest in having one of our project offerings restored for you, in your choice of colors and all the other options, please call Austin
during normal business hours (M-F, 8:30-4) at (937) 667-3014 to discuss. We’ll be happy to create the TR of your dreams for you!
1959 TR3A - TS47921L
Everybody loves the cut-down doors on a sidescreen TR, and
here’s your chance to have one of your very own. For British
Sports Car Motoring at the purest level, it doesn’t get any
better than a properly restored TR2-TR3B from Macy’s
Garage. Whether you’ve coveted one of these since puberty,
or had one that you regret ever getting rid of, let us restore
this one for you and scratch that item off of your bucket list!
1963 TR3B - TCF2694L
Cars at the end of a series are always the best of the bunch,
benefiting from production changes and improvements
throughout the run. This along with scarcity explains why the
TR3B has always been one of the most desirable of the
sidescreen TR’s. Larger engine, 4-synchro gearbox, and
improved electrical system just to mention a few. This car is
one of the last of the 2804 TCF series cars built, just 110
numbers from the end of the line. Optional extras include
telescoping steering wheel, wire wheels, and a factory steel
hard top! Originally black with red interior, but we can restore
it in any color combination that you desire.
1961 TR4 - CT2129L
One of the very few (2470) TR4’s produced in 1961. These
cars are not only rare, but significant as the early TR4 ‘s had
many unique features not found on later cars such as the
short bubble hood, silver gauge cluster, manual trunk prop
rod, etc., etc. This car is a good starting point for a full and
complete restoration if a unique TR4. Picture it now in your
choice of colors and perhaps with wire wheels!
No “Drivers” available at this time