© 2018-2025 - Macy’s Garage, Ltd.
Welcome to the Macy’s Garage website! If you are a TR enthusiast and this is your first visit to our
website, make yourself comfortable. You’ll probably be here awhile! While we are known
worldwide for our stunning frame-up restorations of Triumph TR2-6 sports cars, first time visitors
might be surprised to learn that we also perform partial work such as routine maintenance and
smaller component repairs as well. If you have a Triumph TR2-TR6 that is in need of anything to
make it safe and dependable or to improve it’s appearance, we do it all, and we’ll be happy to
help with whatever tasks you desire.
We don’t just ‘specialize’ in the big TR series, we perform our magic on them EXCLUSIVELY, and
we are the only shop in North America that can keep a crew of 10 busy with such a limited model
range. We have 16-20 “Big” TR’s here at all times from all over the USA and Canada, and we
always have a lengthy waiting list of cars which need to come here. Our team of talented and
passionate restorers have a combined total of nearly 200 years of classic car repair and
restoration, and almost 100 years of that is with Triumph sports cars. Many members of our team
presently own and drive TR’s of their own, and possess a passion for these cars that extends well
past their “Day-Jobs”. We’re extremely confident that you won’t find this amount of Triumph
knowledge and experience assembled anywhere else on this side of the Atlantic!
Our singular focus on the TR2-TR6 model range has allowed us to make a substantial investment
in special tools and equipment that would be impossible for shops who try to work on everything
that comes to their door. You would be very surprised at the number of cars sent to us after
lengthy stays at another shop (or two), and then we have to straighten out the mess they made of
the owner’s beloved Triumph. We also keep a huge inventory of new and used parts, so we don’t
have to constantly stop and wait for UPS to bring ordered parts for your car.
While surfing our website, you’ll find that our INFO menu contains not only our contact information,
but the Macy’s Garage history plus other pages of useful information to anyone with an old car
needing attention.
Our BLOG section is a collection of weekly photos and posts, arranged quarterly and starting at
the second quarter of 2018. You’ll find a lot of useful TR information in our BLOG posts, and you’ll
be able to get a good sense of how we acquired and keep our reputation as America’s BEST
Triumph Shop.
Under the TECH menu, you’ll find a list with links to our technical pages, showing ID tips for parts
and “How-To” articles that are more in-depth than what is included in our weekly BLOG posts.
The GALLERY pages show many of the cars we’ve repaired and restored here at Macy’s Garage,
grouped by various models and arranged by commission number. Be sure to note the various
locations that our clients’ cars come from, and perhaps you’ll see that “I wish you were closer” isn’t
a good excuse for not having your TR repaired or restored here by the folks who know them
BEST! Our gallery pages can’t show every TR that has ever been here due to limits on the size of
our gigantic website, but there are enough cars shown to give you a good idea about our wealth of
experience. We’ve also included a Before/After page within the Gallery section, so that you can
see a few of the amazing transformations we’ve made to so many Triumph TR’s.
We hope you enjoy our website almost as much as you enjoy your Triumph(s). And if your TR has
issues and isn’t giving you much enjoyment right now, we’re just the folks to help you change that!
America’s BEST Triumph Shop
TS1LO - The very FIRST TR2- Restored HERE