© 2018-2025 - Macy’s Garage, Ltd.
Think back for a moment to what life must have been like in the early 1930's. America was sliding
deeper into The Depression, with jobs and money in short supply. Things were no different for
the Macy family in the little village of Tippecanoe City, Ohio. My Grandfather Roy rented space
and opened a small garage in 1932 using $10 borrowed against Grandmother's life insurance
policy. He worked hard to scratch out a living, and when Great-Grandfather Cliff decided a year
later to purchase an old livery stable which had been used most recently as a garage, it was only
natural for Roy to move his repair service in with "Pop".
The down payment for the building took everything Cliff had, and so he went to see the local
banker about a loan to purchase the tools and equipment from the former garage operator. The
banker turned down the loan request and told Cliff "you and the boy are making a big mistake".
He pointed out that the last garage business to be located in their chosen building had gone bust
during "better times than we'll ever see again".
Not being easily discouraged, the two proceeded with their plans and on June 24, 1933 "Macy's
Garage and Service Station" was open for business.
America’s BEST Triumph Shop