© 2018-2025 - Macy’s Garage, Ltd.
TS18330L - Tipp City, OH
Macy’s Garage owned
Future plans uncertain
Possible autocross racer?
TS18538LO - Cincinnati, OH
Brakes, suspension, rear
differential overhaul. Long
term owner, 40+ years!
TS18859L - Ann Arbor, MI
Replace rusty trunk lid and
paint to match
TS18931L - Ont. Canada
Complete frame-up
restoration. Add hardtop “GT
Kit” and overdrive. Rare
Winchester Blue color
TS19652L - Dublin, OH
General check-over and repair
as required when owner
relocated to Ohio from
America’s BEST Triumph Shop
This is how we spell EXPERIENCE! - Just a few of the Triumph TR2 and TR3 cars we’ve had here in our shop!
TS19910L - Houston, TX
VTR Best of Show 2019.
Complete frame-up
restoration. Also see on the
Before-After Gallery page
TS20447LO - Shawnee, KS
Engine, gearbox, overdrive,
rear differential overhaul, plus
various smaller repairs
More Photos to Follow
TS21508L - Pittsburgh, PA
Various small repairs to return
car to service after sitting a
few years