© 2018-2025 - Macy’s Garage, Ltd.
We just love to make Triumph engines purr,
whether it needs a minor tune-up or a major
overhaul. Unleaded gasoline conversions
are something you should consider anytime
the cylinder head is off, and if the crankshaft
is out we'll recommend a rear seal
conversion. Want more power without
sacrificing drive-ability? Our 'Street
Performance' rebuilds will have you grinning
from ear to ear! Learn more on our engine
rebuild page.
Transmissions & Overdrives
Here's one component of your car that has
had a hard life, and some were harder than
others. Even in the absence of outright
abuse, your car's transmission has suffered
from the effects of miles and time, when
every stop is followed by a run through the
gears! We routinely overhaul TR gearboxes
and overdrives here, and they work so well
that you won't ever be tempted by one of
those Japanese conversions!
The rear end has taken every bit of power
that your engine has produced over the
years. The numerous bearings and bushings
inside can also rust while the car sits idle for
years. Many special tools and precision
measuring equipment are required to
overhaul a rear end, and it’s not something
which can be accomplished by the average
restorer. We have the tools and experience
to do this job correctly, each and every time!
Metal Repair
Auto sheet metal fabricators possess old
world skills that are very uncommon today,
and they are skills which are greatly needed
when restoring most vintage cars. We
perform all rust repair and metal work in our
shop utilizing three (3) rotisseries and
professional equipment which allows us to
repair and replace rusted metal faster and
better than a typical body shop can. We
believe in working the metal with hammers
and dollies to minimize filler use, and rusted
metal is always replaced with proper repair
panels and fabricated patches which are
completely welded in place and ground
smooth for invisible repairs. Door gaps and
panel alignment always receive special
attention to produce results that get noticed
for quality, making our restorations among
the best you’ll ever see.
Paint & Body
Sadly, I am disappointed with the paint that I
see on most collector cars at shows I
attend. You should be able to 'read' your t-
shirt in the reflection of flawless paint, but
mediocre jobs with blurred reflections are all
too common today. Collector cars lead
pampered lives, and if the body and paint
work are done right (without short-cuts or
amateur repairs), then there's no reason
that the paint shouldn't still look good 25-30
years after it was first done. We offer high
level paint work in our own paint shop, but
only as part of a complete Triumph
restoration. We use only premium materials
and the best methods to give our
restorations a long lasting finish that will
stand out against all others, and one that
you'll be proud of for many years to come.
Interior & Trim
Let's face it, it's no fun to drive a car with
worn or ripped seats that have foam or
springs showing through. The interior of
your car is the part that you have to look
at when you're out for a drive. You'll want
your interior to look it's best, and our 45+
years of auto trim experience and
inherent attention to detail is something
that will make you proud. We have
performed exhaustive research on TR
interiors, and know all of the details which
are sure to impress even the toughest
concours judge. Having our own metal
fabrication shop allows us to rebuild and
repair even the rustiest of seat frames,
something that is going to be well beyond
the capabilities of most auto trim shops
today (if you can even find one!).
Macy's Garage is a completely self-contained classic car repair and restoration facility with a singular focus on the Triumph TR2-TR6 Sports Cars.
ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that can be done to a Triumph TR2-TR6, WE DO IT HERE. There is nothing that you could need or want for your TR that
we cannot do here, and we’ve already done it on hundreds of TR’s before yours!
Everything except chrome plating and engine machining is performed in-house so that we can control the quality and guarantee the results. We have the
knowledge, skill, experience, special tools and equipment, and most importantly the passion for doing it right. We stand behind our work, and are happy
to provide you with all the references you’’ll ever want. We are proud to have earned Accreditation from the BBB, and we invite you to check us out with
them as well. And YES, we do routine service and partial repair of TR components and systems right along with our award winning complete frame-up
Choose Macy's Garage for all of your Triumph restorations and repairs, and save yourself time, dollars, and heartburn by having it done right the first time
by the folks who know them BEST! Just a few of our many Triumph centered specialties are listed below:
Forgotten Cars
We see a lot of Triumphs that were parked for
one reason or another, and then "forgotten"
for many years. In most cases they don't
need a full restoration to be driven and
enjoyed, but returning them to 'driver' status is
a big job that involves checking the safety
items (suspension, steering, and brakes) and
replacing all rubber hoses and all fluids at a
minimum. If it's time for your Triumph to
return to the road after a long sleep, give us a
Routine Maintenance
Normal maintenance for an older car is not
'normal' anymore. Even for something as
simple an an oil change, you might be a little
reluctant to trust the corner oil change place.
They won't have the oil filter, or know where
to get one. Chances are that they haven't
seen a zerk fitting all week, and as for them
finding all 23 on your '57 TriumphTR3?
Forget about it!
The Team here have been repairing and
rebuilding carburetors since the mid 1960's.
Today, when carburetors are rare and service
'technicians' need a computer to fix your car,
it's important to find a shop like Macy's
Garage that still knows the difference
between the British SU’s and Zenith-
Stromberg’s. We rebuild all of our own
carburetors here, both for cars in our shop
and for carburetors sent to us via the UPS
Starters that won't start, generators that refuse
to generate, and lights that only work part-
time. All of these maladies and more can
affect Triumphs and their infamous Lucas
electrical systems, and we have the ability to
make things right again.
Diagnosing and repairing older electrical
systems are extremely important skills today,
as parts are no longer available at the local
parts store and a ‘scan-tool’ can’t be used to
point you to the problem. While wiring issues
or harness replacement frustrate most people,
we say "Bring it on!".
We truly believe that most of the old Lucas
horror stories were the result of poor
maintenance and repair in the past, and all of
our full restorations and complete electrical
overhauls work without issue and put the
Lucas myths to bed. Maybe we know
something that old Joe Lucas didn’t!
Our primary goal with all TR’s that come to our
shop is first and foremost to make them
SAFE. No one system on any vehicle is more
critical in this regard than the brakes, so we
never compromise with your safety by cutting
corners when working on your brakes.
The Girling disc brakes on most of the TR’s
we service and restore were pretty good back
in their day, but this system was designed and
introduced ‘way back’ in the 1950’s. While the
parts catalogs and internet discussion boards
are full of modern day “upgrades” that you can
make to your brakes, the fact of the matter is
that nothing you do is going to make your old
Triumph TR stop as well as a modern day
Camry! We’ll help you sort through all of the
chatter, and make sure your old TR brakes will
stop you as well as possible.
For safety’s sake, your car needs to go where
you point it! Suspension and steering are not
only important to your safety, but affect your
comfort as well. Both are right at the top of
our “no-compromise” list.
While 'older' cars like our Triumphs will never
handle and stop like a modern car, proper
maintenance and repair will assure that they
will perform as they were designed to do
when new.
Just as with brakes, there is a confusing
array of “upgrades” you could make to your
suspension and steering, and we’re happy to
help you find the right options for your car.
Note that we also rebuild steering boxes and
rack & pinion units here in-house, and we
receive several each month via UPS for
America’s BEST Triumph Shop